Diabetes Formula


Diabetes Formula


Diabetes is a disease that effects the blood vessels and nerves in the body. Problems with kidney function as well as digestion are also major factors of the disease. Kekereke has come up with a great natural alternative to prescribed medications.

Our blend of herbs assists in the aid of regulating the function of the liver, kidneys and spleen and all you need to do is boil in water and drink like a tea.

*Each Bag weighs about 30 grams


Diabetes Formula

The key to our herbal formula is phyllanthus amarus (Niruri). A tropical plant typically used to heal stomach issues in traditional African medicine. Kidney stones, jaundice & diarhea are also treated with this magical plant.

Kekereke herbal supplements are currently not approved by the FDA and a doctor should be consulted when using natural herbal treatments.


Additional information

Weight 30 g
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